What We Do

Dr. Rodgers began using a Chiropractic approach called Network Spinal Analysis, which is a combination of multiple Chiropractic techniques. It is based on routine care. While she focused on Network, she and her patients saw it do wonders to help your them become less tense and more healthy.

Over the years, she has seen a BETTER WAY to help you become better balanced as well as more independent in maintaining that balance! A lot of her focus in your first visit is to teach you how to do this natural, brain-motivated method after you leave her office while in your every-day life.

Read about AIMM here.

In addition, sometimes we have issues that are also connected to emotional angst, or that are connected to some specific earlier experiences. Dr. Rodgers is working with a paradigm called GNM which describes the connections between your experiences, your psyche/emotions/subconscious memories, your brain neurology, and your body physiology. Getting these aspects connected allows your brain and body to begin or complete the spontaneous and natural healing processes of new and even chronic issues.

Read here for more details.